Download Resident Evil 4 Ps2 Iso Multilanguage Pal/Usa Selector 1 link free for usb console, PC, Android, apk, Apple, PCSX2 emulator, Mac os Xm, pkg. Cindy Lennox and the group manage to enter the Raccoon City Zoo, as part of their escape route to a tram at the main entrance of the zoo that will take them to an evacuation helicopter, walking through the silent corridors, they are constantly attacked by animals recently infected, highlighting among them the African elephant Oscar (the main attraction of the zoo) and the lion Max along with his three females. After reaching the tram, the group can be attacked by Oscar, and if Oscar is locked in his cage or neutralized before reaching the main entrance, it will be Max who attacks. With the way clear, the survivors board the tram to take them to the evacuation point, but upon arrival, an earthquake stops the tram and they see the Chinook that was going to take them out of the city crashed, with its passengers and crew rising like zombies.
- Title: Resident Evil Outbreak File #2
- Language: English, Español, Fr, De, It……
- Size: 2.6 Gb
- Region: Ntsc/Pal – Selector
- Format: Iso
- Download and unzip the files.
- You will get the game in “.iso” format this is the game, now you need to mount it.
- In case of using emulators like “PCSX2(for PC)” or “AetherSX2(for Android cell phone)”, run the “isos” from the emulator you are using.
- If you want to play it on your physical console you need to burn it on a DVD or have the FreeMcBoot program installed on your Memorycard.
- In case you have FreeMcBoot on your console, just copy the isos to your Ps2 hard drive.
- If you want to burn it to a DVD, use imgburn at x4 speed and check the region of your console.