Download Resident Evil Outbreak File #1 Ps2 Iso Multilanguage Pal/Usa Selector 1 free link for console usb, PC, Android, apk, Apple, PCSX2 emulator, Mac os Xm, pkg. On September 22, 1998, Umbrella Security Service Squad No. 1 Alpha Team carries out Operation Nestwrecker to obtain samples of the newly developed G-virus. The Umbrella commandos suffer considerable casualties when attacked by the virus’s creator, William Birkin, who, mortally wounded, has inoculated himself with the virus in an attempt to stop the theft of his creation. Chasing them through Raccoon City’s sewer system, Birkin slaughters their attackers and accidentally releases the T-Virus, which is spread by the rats into the city’s drinking water supply. Two days later, the eight characters meet at a typical evening at J’s Bar without imagining what is happening in the city until a stranger enters the premises and attacks the bartender, suddenly being completely besieged by zombies. Mark Wilkins, along with his co-worker, Bob, arrive on the roof of the bar, where Bob begins to manifest symptoms of a T-Virus infection, prompting him to commit suicide (on Very Hard, Bob transforms into a zombie).
- Title: Resident Evil Outbreak File #1
- Language: English, Español, Fr, De, It……
- Size: 2.6 Gb
- Region: Ntsc/Pal – Selector
- Format: Iso
- Download and unzip the files.
- You will get the game in “.iso” format this is the game, now you need to mount it.
- In case of using emulators like “PCSX2(for PC)” or “AetherSX2(for Android cell phone)”, run the “isos” from the emulator you are using.
- If you want to play it on your physical console you need to burn it on a DVD or have the FreeMcBoot program installed on your Memorycard.
- In case you have FreeMcBoot on your console, just copy the isos to your Ps2 hard drive.
- If you want to burn it to a DVD, use imgburn at x4 speed and check the region of your console.